Thursday, June 17, 2010

Nicolae Iorga - Civilizatie si tranzitie

Nicolae Iorga adresându-se românilor (anii '30)

Nicolae Iorga adresandu-se romanilor (anii '30)

Nicolae Titulescu la Societatea Natiunilor

Nicolae Titulescu la Societatea Natiunilor, 1931

Nicolae Titulescu la Societatea Natiunilor, al carui presedinte a fost de doua ori, in 1930 si 1931(caz unic in istoria organizatiei).

Vizita Reginei Maria a Romaniei in SUA, 1926

Vizita Reginei Maria a Romaniei in SUA, 1926

Mother Queen Regina Maria of Romania

Mother Queen Regina Maria of Romania

A tribute video to Queen Marie of Romania 1875-1938. Truly one of the most beautiful women of her day.

Incoronarea Regelui Ferdinand I si a Reginei Maria

Incoronarea Regelui Ferdinand I si a Reginei Maria

Regina Maria a Romaniei vizitand trupele pe front, 1916

Regina Maria a Romaniei vizitand trupele pe front, 1916

Last years of queen Maria of Romania. Ultimii ani ai reginei Maria a României

Last years of queen Maria of Romania. Ultimii ani ai reginei Maria a României

Interview to queen Maria of Romania / Entervew of queen Maria of Romania

Interview to queen Maria of Romania / Entervew of queen Maria of Romania

Entrevista a la Reina María de Rumania en Saint-Brieuc, Francia, en casa de su hermana la Gran duquesa de Rusia Victoria Melita

Entervew of queen Maria of Romania

Interviu cu Regina Maria a României

Funerales de la reina Maria de Rumania / Funeral queen's Maria of Romania

Funerales de la reina Maria de Rumania / Funeral queen's Maria of Romania

Interview to queen Maria of Romania / Entervew of queen Maria of Romania

Interview to queen Maria of Romania / Entervew of queen Maria of Romania

Entrevista a la Reina María de Rumania en Saint-Brieuc, Francia, en casa de su hermana la Gran duquesa de Rusia Victoria Melita

Entervew of queen Maria of Romania

Interviu cu Regina Maria a României

Last years of queen Maria of Romania. Ultimii ani ai reginei Maria a României

Last years of queen Maria of Romania. Ultimii ani ai reginei Maria a României

Romanian - Hungarian War

Hungarian Romanian War

The seeds of the Hungarian Romanian war of 1919 were planted when Transylvania proclaimed union with Romania on December 1, 1918. In April 1919, the Bolsheviks came to power in Hungary, at which point its army attempted to retake Transylvania, commencing the war. By its final stage, more than 120,000 troops on both sides were involved. The destruction of the Hungarian Soviet Republic and the Romanian occupation of parts of Hungary proper, including its capital Budapest in August 1919, ended the war. Romanian troops withdrew from Hungary in March 1920.

The debacle of the Hungarian Army:

After the bulk of the Romanian troops crossed the Tisza, they started advancing towards Budapest. The Romanian cavalry covered the flanks of the main body of troops and tried to discover the points of concentration of the Hungarian Army. At the same time, it severed the links between the different corps of the Hungarian Army. On the 1st of August, most fighting took place in the south, in and around Szolnok, the town having been severely affected by the fighting. At the end of the day, the Hungarians sent representatives to negotiate their surrender. In the center and in the north, the Hungarian troops were completely surrounded by the evening of the 3rd of August and the units start to surrender or to disintegrate. The 3rd of August saw the end of the Hungarian Red Army.

The Romanians occupy Budapest:

The Romanians continued their push towards Budapest. The first Romanian units to enter Budapest on the evening of the 3rd of August were three squadrons of the 6th cavalry regiment of the 4th brigade, under the command of Gen. Rusescu. The 400 men with two artillery guns were the only forces to occupy the city until midday on the 4th of August, when the bulk of the Romanian forces entered Budapest and a parade took place through the center of the city in front of their commander, Gen. Moşoiu.

Romanian-Hungarian War of 1919

Romanian-Hungarian War of 1919

The Hungarian-Romanian war of 1919 started as a drive by the Romanian army to control the territory of Transylvania, that proclaimed union with Romania on December 1, 1918, evolved in a full-fledged war against Hungary when the bolsheviks came to power in Hungary and its army attempted in April 1919 to take back control over Transylvania. The war ended with the destruction of the Hungarian Soviet Republic and the Romanian occupation of parts of Hungary proper, including its capital Budapest in August 1919.

Perioada interbelica Romania 1918-1939

Perioada interbelica

Romania 1918-1939

Familiile regala romana si imperiala rusa la Constanta, 1914

Familiile regala romana si imperiala rusa la Constanta, 1914

Primirea, de catre familia regala romana, in frunte cu regele Carol I, a familiei imperiale ruse, la Constanta, pe data de 14 iunie 1914. Vizita, care a durat 14 ore, a avut loc in contextul premergator Primului Razboi Mondial, Rusia fiind interesata sa atraga Romania in tabara Antantei, din care ea insasi facea parte, alaturi de Anglia si Franta.In imagini pot fi recunoscuti regele Carol I al Romaniei si sotia sa, regina Elisabeta, printul mostenitor(pe atunci) Ferdinand al Romaniei si sotia sa Maria (viitorii suverani ai Romaniei Mari), printul Carol (viitorul rege Carol al II-lea), tarul Nicolae al II-lea al Rusiei, tarina Alexandra Feodorovna si cei cinci copii ai lor: marile ducese Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, fara a-l uita pe tareviciul Alexei.Imagini pastrate in Arhiva Nationala de Filme (ANF) a Romaniei.

Regele Carol I de Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen

Regele Carol I de Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen

Carol I de Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, domnitor si mai apoi rege al Romaniei, de origine germana, a condus tara timp de 48 de ani intre 1866 si 1914. In timpul domniei sale Romania si-a obtinut independenta, ca urmare a participarii la razboiul ruso-turc din 1877-1878.

Parada de 10 mai 1897, condusa de regele Carol I al Romaniei

Parada de 10 mai 1897, condusa de regele Carol I al Romaniei

Imagini pastrate in Arhiva Nationala de Filme (ANF) a Romaniei:parada organizata de 10 mai 1897 (ziua nationala a Romaniei, la acea vreme) pe Calea Victoriei din Bucuresti. In fruntea trupelor: regele Carol I al Romaniei(1866-1914) si printul mostenitor Ferdinand (rege al Romaniei intre 1914-1927, incoronat la Alba-Iulia - pe 15.10.1922 - ca suveran al Romaniei Mari).

Regele Carol al II-lea al Romaniei inspectand trupele

Regele Carol al II-lea al Romaniei inspectand trupele

Suveranul Romaniei Mari, Carol al II-lea (insotit de printul mostenitor Mihai), trece in revista trupele, in fata Palatului Regal din Bucuresti. Vara lui 1937 sau 1938.

Romanian Queens and Princesses

Romanian Queens and Princesses - Romania

The Kingdom of Romania - Regina Maria, Regina Elisabeta (Carmen Sylva), Regina Elena, Printesa Ileana, Printesa Marioara, Printesa Elisabeta - Queen - Princess - Romanian Royal Family


Regele Mihai - Romanian King Royal Family Romania

Regele Mihai - Romanian King Royal Family Romania

Interview with Mihai I King of Romania

Mesajul Regelui Mihai la înmormântarea lui Corneliu Coposu

Mesajul Regelui Mihai la înmormântarea lui Corneliu Coposu

Mesajul Regelui Mihai la înmormântarea lui Corneliu Coposu, 14 - noiembrie - 1995.

Regele Mihai al României

Regele Mihai al României

Din viata familiei regale romane (epoca exilului)

Din viata familiei regale romane (epoca exilului)

Principesa Margareta (fiica cea mare a Regelui Mihai si a reginei Ana), invitata la o emisiune realizata de Mihaela Radulescu, comenteaza un film de arhiva reprezentand familia regala romana in exil, la inceputul anilor '50. Film realizat de Regele Mihai I al Romaniei.

1 Decembrie 1918 Ziua Nationala a Romaniei

1 Decembrie 1918 Ziua Nationala a Romaniei

1 Decembrie 1918

VIDEO 1 Decembrie 1918



Romania in World War 2

Romania in World War 2

Romanian generals from World War II

Romanian generals from World War II

Statul Major General al Armatei Romane (1859 - 2008)

Statul Major General al Armatei Romane (1859 - 2008)